Saturday, June 25, 2011

The song that never fails to inspire me..............

It has been a crazy season full of humbling experiences but one that I hope will teach me how to depend on the grace of God even more than ever. This is the one song that I wish everyone could listen to and find hope, comfort and grace as I have since the first time listening to it. Music is powerful and this song always is a welcome friend in the midst of storms, before and after as well.
God's grace upon you.......

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Praise like gospel, Wail like rock and roll........

today is my is frightening to think i'm closer to 40 than 20 but it's cool. as i think about how many good friends and family are not here anymore i can't help but ask myself "have i used these years given to me wisely or have i wasted them?"

God has blessed me so much this past year. i am still married and much in love with a beautiful woman that loves me way more than i deserve, have been able to renew some great friendships, have seen others move into sweet new seasons of their lives. i try to be thankful for all i have received but i know i am guilty of taking so much for granted.

only God knows how many more years i have left on this earth but i hope that i will be found faithful in serving Him, in loving the people in my life. grace to all.............

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Of my flesh, of my heart........

It has been a while since the last post. I don't know why but at times I have started stuff and felt all self-conscious about what I was writing or what I wasn't writing. I know I am not so important as to worry about people might think or not about my life. So I am going to have to just get back to writing about what is/has been going on in my life. Almost a year has past since Sarah and I have moved from texas to the southeast. A lot has changed some for the good, some maybe not so good. There has been weddings, funerals, and babies being born. It is so easy to forget what is important in the "grown-up" world of jobs, obligations, priorities, ect. People are what matters to me the most. I would like to believe that I hold to that enough to show it by staying in touch with friends and family but I do not. God has blessed me with so many people that I consider friends. He has blessed me with an amazing woman for my bride. He has allowed me to still be able to be a small part in others journeys. I pray that as this new year approaches that I will stay in contact/involved in peoples lives on a more consistent, intimate and honest basis.

grace be upon you.......

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Songs sound much sadder........

One of my favorite things in life is music. I tend to gravitate towards guitar-oriented music in the rock genre. But as I've grown older I have learned to appreciate other styles as well. A friend mentioned the other week a cool internet radio station called pandora. Since then it has been an exciting experience looking for different styles,songs,artists. I encourage anybody who really appreciates music to check it out.

play it loud and often!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010


I was reminded today how powerful music can be. Sometimes a song can express what is in my soul when nothing else can. May God save us from ourselves............

grace to all................

Sunday, April 4, 2010

When the sun sleeps............

Easter sunday 2010-Today has caused me to remember, to try to understand what is so powerful about this holiday in comparison to any other at this period of my life.

Easter is when most christians remember the resurrection of our saviour Jesus Christ. It has brought to my mind the beautiful reality of new beginnings, hope, and life. All in my life good and bad was never not part of God's ongoing plan. He is not finished and I'm grateful for His constant grace and forgiveness.

This easter sunday has been a great one to see spring in the sunshine and everything blooming. Two weeks ago as I was driving to work, it was snowing most of the way. I love the wintertime and especially the way everything looks covered in snow, but I am grateful to be in a place where spring is so pronounced. I know that with Jesus Christ my life would be nothing but a long, cold winter. He brings springtime with new growth and renewed desires to live by his spirit and truth and not my own. It was fitting that in church today the sermon was on grace. That is what I feel and realize as everything is changing around me.

The latter part of this January, found Sarah and I starting a new season in our lives as we moved back to the southeast. Back in the fall of 2003, I never though I would ever move back to the area I loved so much. I sure did not think I would have a beautiful wife to move back with to the area. So again a new start has begun. We have been so blessed to have a place to live close to family and friends. Only God knows what the future holds for us, but one thing that comforts me is that in every season of my life He has been with me and will continue to be.

I pray and hope as this day will soon be just another day in the routine of life, that we will not be lost on its significance and promise. May God's grace fall upon you............

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sundown Motel

This last Sunday my beautiful bride and I took a road trip from south Texas to north Georgia. After 1,100 miles and 20 hours on the road and too much caffeine, we finally arrived to our destination. Thank goodness for cruise control and podcasts. For a long time growing up I wanted to just stay put and never have to go on any trips. But after living that way for a few years made me realize how much I do like being on the road. It has been good to be on the road these past 5 years. There is something cleansing to me about getting on the road. Arriving and leaving from places that I have been to for the first time or multiple times never gets old. There is always something that either I notice or someone else notices for the first time. There is something about being by yourself or when everyone is asleep with time to think. It is easy to drown out thoughts, concerns, fears, worries with music or conversation but I know that times when I feel the most at peace is when my spirit is in communion with God's spirit. I can't explain that beyond the fact that for me mental, spiritual and even emotional rest comes when I push all my junk to the side and allow my world to grow beyond myself. It is too easy to allow everything to be about me. In the quiet, others come into my mind, thinking on the ways my life has been given so much that is undeserved, memories good and bad are able to come in unhindered by my self-centeredness.

Now that Sarah is with me on most trips, it is good to share in memories of different journey's. When she isn't with me it is comforting to know she is waiting on me, missing me, wanting to hear all about the trip. In this new season of my life only God knows what awaits us. I hope the travels will never stop, that new memories will build, new territory will be embarked upon.

Grace to all...................